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Keith Hemmila

Keith Hemmila

Pastor Keith Hemmila has been the senior pastor at Crossfire church for 20 years in Rockford, Michigan. He received his Bachelor of Science degree from the University of Minnesota, Duluth and his Master of Divinity degree from Bethel Seminary, Saint Paul, Minnesota.


Pastor Keith has been pastoring for 48 years. He served churches in Saint Paul, Minnesota, San Francisco, California, Hibbing Minnesota, and Marquette, Michigan before moving to the Rockford, Michigan area”.


Pastor Keith is married to his wife Judy. They have 5 awesome kids with excellent spouses. They have 24 grandchildren, and 10 great grandchildren and growing: Keith serves as team leader for Liberty Pastors of West Michigan.

Pastor Keith has not always been involved with the political scene. Like most pastors, He was taught to focus on “preaching the gospel and disciple making.” When Barak Obama was elected president in 2008, he noticed a dramatic shift in the Culture of America. He realized that churches and pastors were not engaged in the political process because they lacked biblical training in this cultural arena. Non engagement in politics has created a cultural vacuum that has been filled by elected leaders who do not have a biblical world view. Discipleship must include civil government training and involvement. Read his testimony in the “Why Join “section of this website.

Jeff Carlson

Jeff Carlson

Jeff has served as pastor of Oakhill Presbyterian Church in Grand Rapids since 1987.  He is a graduate of the University of Illinois with a degree in engineering and had served as an engineer in the corporate world prior to ministry.


Following a call from the Lord, Jeff graduated from Fuller Seminary with a divinity degree and has made his home here in Grand Rapids with his wife Dianne, 3 daughters and 8 grandchildren.


Jeff has a passion to teach and preach the Word, along with a great love of American history. His interest in this history led him to study and better understand the Christian roots and purposes of America and its godly heritage.

​Jeff strongly believes that our faith was intended to inform and shape our Constitution and the role of civil government in our daily lives.  Jeff wants to see every pastor, church, and Christian share their faith in the public square as part of Jesus’ mandate to be salt and light in the world. Jesus is truly Lord of all and that fact calls God’s people to let Christ rule over every heart with a goal of protecting Christian conscience and our fundamental freedoms.

David Christian

David Christian

David Christian is a retired associate pastor, and the founder and president of David Christian Ministries, aka When he received Christ at 25, one result for David was the transformation in his view of America: through the Founders’ informed rejection of tyranny, a nation was brought about that celebrates & protects the freedoms we enjoy today.


As newlyweds in 1981, David & Gerri left careers in architectural design and nursing and served nine years as missionaries in Mexico and Ecuador. Both teach fluently in Spanish.


Later they served 25 years on the pastoral team of Resurrection Life Church in Grandville, Michigan, with such duties as ministry to couples and families, oversight of building projects, adult education and an outreach into the Hispanic community.

David & Gerri now live in Grandville and oversee their ministry of teaching leaders and Christians a paradigm shift of being Christ’s disciple. They also work in political structures to move America back to its foundations, and serve the vision of Liberty Pastors of West Michigan.

Austin Kreutz

Austin Kreutz

I was born in Queens, New York to a middle-class family.  My Parents moved the family to Stony Brook, and from there to Miller Place.  I graduated from Port Jefferson High School and went on to attend Heidelberg College where I acquired a BA in music.


During my college experience I became a Christian and was active in campus ministry.  My college sweetheart and I married had two sons, and have enjoyed our 48 years together.  In those early years I answered a call to ministry.


As a Pastor, I have seen all aspects of life from births to deaths and everything in-between.  I have worked in the marketplace and in the factory.  I understand what people go through to support a family.  Earning a living while going through seminary I worked in the tool & die industry.  

Planting a church while being a student, working fulltime and writing my thesis, we successfully planted a church in Holland, Michigan.  My skills of organization, management, and scholastic enterprises has given me and exceptional grasp of subjects.


​For more than forty years, I have been teaching life applications from God's word, Natural Law Theory, as well as the United States Constitution, The Bill of Rights and History.  As an ordained minister I have pastored churches in Michigan and New York as well as teach internationally.


I have spoken at conferences, college campuses, and debates concerning various issues and Christian perspectives.  I am well known for my ability to explain complex subjects on a level all can understand.  Exposing life issues to scripture, I bring thoughtful insight and guidance through biblical solutions.


I am a graduate of Ashland Theological Seminary and was the director of Albany Area Biblical Counseling.  Currently I serve as the Pastor at Restoration Christian Community in Allegan Michigan, where my wife and I have resided for the last twelve years. I am member of the Evangelical Theological Society, the Evangelical Philosophical Society, The Thomas Torrance Fellowship and President of the Bonhoeffer Form for Church and Culture. 

Cody Kheul

Cody Kheul

I have been married to my best friend Shonda for 20 years. We have 4 amazing children. I have been Pastoring GR.Church for 14 years.


I joined West Michigan Liberty Pastors in 2021. I found a group of likeminded Pastors who believed that God was greater than Government and that our liberties come from our creator.


I believe that Christians have an obligation to speak up on moral issues in the public square. Silence equals consent. 

Adam Rebandt

Adam Rebandt

Adam was ordained as an elder under the care of Oakland Hills Community Church, where his father Ralph Rebandt pastored for nearly 35 years.   


In 2022, Adam was ordained as a minister and serves with A Faith of Equal Standing Ministries, which shares the name with the book that he authored.  He works as the State Director for Citizens Defending Freedom, an organization under the Remnant Alliance. 


Adam's focus is engaging other pastors and ministry leaders to preach God's Word boldly and bring the message of the Gospel outside the four walls of the church to be salt and light in their communities.  He and his wife Sarah married in 2002 and have six children.  He enjoys walks with his wife, time with his children, and coaching.

Ralph Rebandt

Ralph Rebandt

Founder Ralph Rebandt was a candidate for Michigan Governor in the 2022 primary election.  That platform provided him with a unique perspective on the election process and numerous opportunities to engage with the Michigan electorate and Michigan churches.


During the campaign he was known for highlighting America’s Christian heritage and bringing that discussion back into the public conversation. It has been stated that Michigan politics will never be the same because of his bold leadership to restore our Judeo-Christian values. Having served as lead pastor for Oakland Hills Community Church for 35 years, he was involved in the development of three additional churches before retiring to run for governor. 


​Ralph presently serves on the Board of Governors for the Council for National Policy, Washington D.C., and as chaplain for the Michigan Association of Chiefs of Police, Southeastern Michigan Chiefs of Police, Farmington Hills Police Department, and Beverly Hills Police Department. He is actively involved in speaking engagements all around the state of Michigan in churches, at community events, and on law enforcement platforms.


After receiving a Bachelor's Degree in Religious Education from Summit University in Clarks Summit, Pennsylvania, Ralph earned a Master's Degree in Religious Education and M. Div. at Westminster Seminary in Philadelphia where he graduated magna cum laude and acquired credits in the Ph.D. program. Ralph is passionate about serving his Savior, about America and her true history, about his beautiful state of Michigan, and and adores his high school sweetheart Carol, who he has been married to for 47 years, their four grown children and spouses, and will talk to you for hours about his 17 grandchildren.


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